


cq5dam-1.web.1280.1280Myers, W. B. and Darby D. A., 2015, A new age model for the Central Arctic reveals brief intervals of extreme sedimentation rates over the last 140 kyr. Arktos, 10.1007/s41063-015-0009-5

Darby, D. A., Myers, W., Herman, S., and Nicholson, B., 2015, Chemical fingerprinting, a precise and efficient method to determine the source of sediments. Jour. Sed. Res., v. 85, 247–253.

St. John, K., Passchier, S., Tantillo, B., Darby, D., and Kearns, L., 2014, Microfeatures of Modern Sea Ice-rafted Sediment and Implications for Paleo-Sea Ice Reconstructions. Ann. Glaciol.,

Darby, D. A., 2014, Ephemeral formation of perennial sea-ice in the Arctic Ocean during the middle Eocene. Nature Geoscience, v. 7, p. 210-213.

Alonso-García, M., Andrews, J. T., Belt, S. T., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Darby, D. A., and Jaeger, J., 2013, A comparison between multiproxy and historical data (AD 1990–1840) of drift ice conditions on the East Greenland Shelf ( ̃66°N). The Holocene, 23:12, 1672-1683. DOI: 10.1177/0959683613505343

Xuan, C., Channel, J. E. T., Polyak, L., and Darby, D. A., 2012, Paleomagnetism of Quaternary sediments from Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau: Implications for age models in the Arctic Ocean. Quat. Sci. Rev., 32:48-63.

Stärz, M., Gong, X., Lohmann, G., Stein, R., Darby, D.A., Kauker, F., 2012, Implications of a non-static sea-ice cover in the glacial Arctic Ocean. Earth & Planetary Science Letters. 357-358 (2012) 257-267.

Darby, D.A., Ortiz, J. D., Grosch, C., and Lund, S., 2012, 1,500 year cycle in the Arctic Oscillation identified in Holocene Arctic sea-ice drift.Nature Geoscience,doi: 10.1038/NGEO1629.

Xuan, C., Channel, J. E. T., Polyak, L., and Darby, D.A., 2012, Paleomagnetism of Quaternary sediments from Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau: Implications for age models in the Arctic Ocean. Quat. Sci. Rev., 32:48-63.

Darby, D.A., W. B. Myers, M. Jakobsson, and I. Rigor 2011, Modern dirty sea ice characteristics and sources: The a. role of anchor ice, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C09008, doi:10.1029/2010JC006675.


For full publication list, please see Dr.Dennis Darby’s Curriculum Vitae

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